Monday, April 4, 2011

Here's to Fitness!

There she is ...  the elliptical.  A machine I always avoid because it hurts.  Well, as expected, it's time to get over that.  February 14 I began working out with a personal trainer at Champion Fitness.  I have been thinking about jumping on the fitness band wagon for a few months prior to beginning.  I had a formal event to attend mid-February.  I thought I could bop into one of my favorite stores to quickly grab a perfect dress when I ran into a BIG problem.  Two sizes bigger than last purchased were not working out!  I got out my phone, opened the dressing room door and made the appointment before I was outside the store.

Of course on my first day I had a very sick child.  C stayed at home for a whole week and my FIRST work-out was postponed.  Sooooo discouraged!  When I FINALLY made the call & commitment I was more than ready.  Approaching my first day at a much lower momentum, Jennifer (my wonderful trainer) wanted me on my worst enemy first....the elliptical.  I began at Level 1 and only completed 1 minute.

HOW ON EARTH COULD THIS HAPPEN???  I came to the conclusion that I was completely & totally out of shape.  I played softball for 11 years.  As catcher I did more squats than most people their entire life.  I was a cheerleader.  I thought I was limber & strong.  I had to admit to myself everything was in the past tense and now I am left to deal with the present as well as my future.

About a year ago, I came to the realization I am old.  My body & bones hurt when it is cold.  I am so sore in the morning.  Yes it has happened.  I also believed there are things I am not, will not & should not be doing anymore.

Now I am beginning week #9.  I am now on that elliptical 35 minutes at a level 15!  I am doing lounges (with 30 pound bar), crunches, push-ups, rings, jumping onto a bench, free waits, squats with weights & much more!  Most are things I thought I would never do again.  Today I even began some training for running.  What in the world?

Do I love it?  NO.  Am I addicted to it?  NO.  I do wish my answer was YES.  Of all the things I could be addicted to....Why can't it be fitness?  Chris made me laugh when he said, "I held an audition yesterday for new addictions.  Nothing showed up.  So I am going to continue to eat."  I love that guy.

Eight weeks down and a lifetime to go.  There has been tears, vomit, soreness, fatigue, literal pain and bad attitude.  I am stronger, I am healthier, I am in control and I am on top of my game.  Here is to fitness and my life.  I can try to do my best and that's all I can do.