Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Card 2011

I try really hard to be creative in selecting a Christmas Card every year.  It could be a reflection of the year, places we have been, things we have done, a fun memory, but always something personal.  The last few I have tried to make you laugh. This year was the roughest.... toughest... hardest year at the Schiller house.  To top it all off our Sooners did not end with a strong winning season.  With all that being said we thought this was the proper way to top it all off.


Monday, December 12, 2011

Not so perfect 1st visit from the TF

Cash has been talking about his loose tooth for a week now.  I didn't know how this was all going to go down.  Twice this past week I have asked if his tooth is getting any loser?  He wiggles it and reluctantly lets me.  He has told me, "Mom I want you to pull it."  I can help anyone else pull a tooth, but truth be known for some stupid reason it makes me nervous for my own!  I wimped out with W and took him to my office for assistance.......
The result was all smiles, a like for dentistry & even a pose with the forceps!  (Since I just started will often see me backtrack to mention things with #1 I am currently mentioning with child #2)  I just got super lucky on this deal!

Last night, while in the car on the way to Tulsa, Cash decides it is time.  W really wants to pull his lil bubs tooth.  He gives it several tries, but is limited with how much time Buttercup lets him stay in his mouth to try.  I glance to see bleeding and realize I need to suck it up.  From the front seat, I turned around leaned back and gave it one good yank for success!  He was in amazement that it was over and didn't even hurt.  Not the picture perfect first tooth pulling picture I had imagined.  No fancy video camera, no batteries charged for the Canon and mom leaning over the seat to pull it????? To a dental hygienist mom this TF stuff is a BIG deal!  Meet "Toothie" our TF pillow SuperHero delivery agent.  Buttercup named him all by himself.  FYI:  #o is out and #p is slightly loose.  He doesn't want to lose the other as he says that is the tooth he eats all his steak with!

The night before we went to take the annual Santa pics at the mall.  I told Santa before the boys entered this little one of mine has been bad....get him!  I think Santa took it a little far.  I don't think his father will ever forgive me for this one!

So between mean Santa talks and weird Willy the Elf nightly moves, Buttercup is a little spooked that a Tooth Fairy will be flying into his room while he is asleep tonight.  We caved and allow his to sleep in our bed between us.  Shouldn't this make it easier on us???

I texted Chris from my bed that it is time.  He came in with the money, I handed him "Toothie", and he took the tooth, and put the money in.  I placed Toothie back under the pillow and fell asleep.  This morning I sprinkled the fairy dust by the door TF probably entered.   I proceeded to wake Cash up.  Finally, he was up and looking in the pocket on Toothie's back.  "Mom she took my tooth and there is no money!!!"  Chris looked at me as if it was MY fault?  We checked, stripped our bed, made our bed, looked under the money!  I loved handing out Father of the Year points to Chris as he so quickly hands such Mother of the Year points to me when I mess something up!  Was there a TF burglar?  Was Chris still mad about losing his breakfast money for the morning?  Did W come take it?  Is Cash outsmarting us all and the gig is already up before it begins?  Chris puts him in the shower and puts some money under the bed to be found.  IN OUR CLOSET ON THE FLOOR WAS THE $5!  How in the world?  How did it get there?  My mind is too tired to figure it out.  Just a day in our crazy life...

Monday, November 21, 2011

Time for Thanks

Baby Chelsi is now all married, and we have to share her & Jim during the holidays with the Wallingfords in Ohio.    In remedy, we decided to change Watson Family Thanksgiving to a different day.  This is the 2nd year we have elected to gather together on the Saturday before.  I really don't care what day it is as long as we can all gather together.  Since Grandma Vauda has passed, Kelly has stepped up and done most of the cooking.  This year she had to be in Tulsa all day testing for her new job.  Chelsi and I had to tackle this....


We really did make EVERYTHING from scratch except for our place cards.  Bernie at CookieDoodle made these adorable personalized cookies.  Dad (John) was our turkey.  He also cooked the turkey for us.  It was fried.  I love it that way!  This may be the last year for it though.  An innocent bystander said, "There were grease, water & flames....He about burned the whole damn house down."  The Schiller boys were appropriately the indians.  Kelly & Becky were the pilgrims.  G, Caroline & Lily were pumpkins.  Chelsi & Jim were corn for Ohio.  Last was Barry the scarecrow.  Scary Barry?  

We began cooking on Thursday and finished 30 minutes before our planned time.  I was pretty proud of that!  Our menu included.... Pioneer Woman Soul Sweet Tators (they were a new addition & a hit!), Amish Dressing, Hassleback Potatoes, Vauda's Brisket, Fried Turkey, Green Beans, Broccoli & Cheese, Sweet Potato Biscuits & Wheat Rolls.  We topped it off with Chocolate Pie, Pumpkin Pie & Apple Pie.

I had really good intentions of taking pictures of my family at our pretty table, but it did not happen!  Oh well.....Thank you Lord for all my many blessings.  I won't forget them!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

What is Wrong With This Picture?

Is it just me or is there something wrong with this picture???
Pretty day in work, no football, no soccer....let's be smart and put up the Christmas lights BEFORE it gets cold, BEFORE we pay someone & BEFORE Thanksgiving.  I have to be careful with the great ideas I come up with.

He is telling me all about his back surgeries for the 50th time right here. Why he should not and can not get on this ladder.

This should probably be the last time I climb a ladder this high and expect myself to balance at the same time!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Curb-Side Delivery

I have been mad, and then there are times that I have been MAD.  Unfortunately today was one of those few MAD days that happened.  We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our new beams via freight delivery to be able to move back into our house.  Three days later than scheduled they arrived.  The lady who called to arrange delivery asked where they should be unloaded.  I replied the front door.  I paid for CURB SIDE delivery.  In the past that means the driver takes the items off the truck and sets outside the house at the designated door.  When he arrived, he asked me where my crew was to unload.  I told him he was looking at it.  He scooted each box to the edge of the semi and made ME lift everyone of them out.  I told him I would be glad to help and he told me I would have to do it myself!  I laughed and he said seriously lady if you want them you better get them.  Keep in mind that most are 16 feet long and one was over 30 feet long.  I had no shoes on and unloaded every beam myself.  Several were too heavy for me to get in the driveway.  I don't think anyone has ever treated me as rudely as he.  I felt like a dog.  Well our dog gets treated better than that even by me!  He got in the front of his truck and left me...beams and all....some in the street.  Not good.  Not good at all!  I didn't cry in front of him.  I waited until he left, and I haven't quit!  Then for the first time I allowed my husband to call and give his appreciation.  Lesson learned:  get in writing what kind of delivery you are paying for.  It's a good idea to have a copy of that with you.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Visits from Our Pumpkin Fairy

   When W was four, thanks to our preschool education, he became really into seeds.  He wanted to plant any seed he could find to see if it would grow.  Some of the main things he planted were apple & pumpkin.  It should also be mentioned that he would NOT eat anything with a seed on it (still won't) as he is very concerned about what will grow in his stomach and possibly out his ears!  This means seeded buns, stawberries, oranges, etc.
   My Grandma Frances really encouraged his seed planting.  She liked to agg him on.  I think she loved the idea of random things popping up in my manicured yard.
   One day she was at the grocery store when the pumpkins arrived for fall.  She kindly bought me one, and left it in my flower bed by the door we use on the side of our house.  She thought it would be a FUN surprise to welcome fall into our yard.  Little did we know...W had been seed planting.  He was shocked and amazed when we pulled up to see that a pumpkin had grown in our yard!  She called the next day to see if I liked my new pumpkin, and I told her of the impression it made on W.  I, of course, continued to let him think that this was a pumpkin that grew from his planting.  This absolutely thrilled her.
   Every week new pumpkins would magically appear in our flower beds.  For kicks even a sack of oranges was once there!  He quit planting seeds yearly, but the pumpkins still grew.  The seed planting evolved into The Pumpkin Fairy must have come to our house.  This went on for 5 years until this year.  Sadly our Pumpkin Fairy passed away December 2010.  Even two months before she passed, ill with cancer, she insisted on one final flight to our yard.

   This fall W said, "Remember when lots of pumpkins use to show up in our yard?"  I was taken back, smiled, and had the pleasure of sharing the real story of our Pumpkin Fairy.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Here's to Fitness!

There she is ...  the elliptical.  A machine I always avoid because it hurts.  Well, as expected, it's time to get over that.  February 14 I began working out with a personal trainer at Champion Fitness.  I have been thinking about jumping on the fitness band wagon for a few months prior to beginning.  I had a formal event to attend mid-February.  I thought I could bop into one of my favorite stores to quickly grab a perfect dress when I ran into a BIG problem.  Two sizes bigger than last purchased were not working out!  I got out my phone, opened the dressing room door and made the appointment before I was outside the store.

Of course on my first day I had a very sick child.  C stayed at home for a whole week and my FIRST work-out was postponed.  Sooooo discouraged!  When I FINALLY made the call & commitment I was more than ready.  Approaching my first day at a much lower momentum, Jennifer (my wonderful trainer) wanted me on my worst enemy first....the elliptical.  I began at Level 1 and only completed 1 minute.

HOW ON EARTH COULD THIS HAPPEN???  I came to the conclusion that I was completely & totally out of shape.  I played softball for 11 years.  As catcher I did more squats than most people their entire life.  I was a cheerleader.  I thought I was limber & strong.  I had to admit to myself everything was in the past tense and now I am left to deal with the present as well as my future.

About a year ago, I came to the realization I am old.  My body & bones hurt when it is cold.  I am so sore in the morning.  Yes it has happened.  I also believed there are things I am not, will not & should not be doing anymore.

Now I am beginning week #9.  I am now on that elliptical 35 minutes at a level 15!  I am doing lounges (with 30 pound bar), crunches, push-ups, rings, jumping onto a bench, free waits, squats with weights & much more!  Most are things I thought I would never do again.  Today I even began some training for running.  What in the world?

Do I love it?  NO.  Am I addicted to it?  NO.  I do wish my answer was YES.  Of all the things I could be addicted to....Why can't it be fitness?  Chris made me laugh when he said, "I held an audition yesterday for new addictions.  Nothing showed up.  So I am going to continue to eat."  I love that guy.

Eight weeks down and a lifetime to go.  There has been tears, vomit, soreness, fatigue, literal pain and bad attitude.  I am stronger, I am healthier, I am in control and I am on top of my game.  Here is to fitness and my life.  I can try to do my best and that's all I can do.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Weird Things that Happen to Me

I have been known to pull off some pretty big stunts, pranks & jokes.  This is all fun in theory, but I think it has created a life of paranoia for me.  I know that several people still owe me.  I think the ultimate get-u-back would be to have Candid Camera or the dreaded (but you have to admit, oh-so-funny) Roy D. Mercer call me.  I live in constant fear and ready to make sure that nobody is going to get me that way.  That doesn't change the fact that weird things seem to happen to me.  You know what I'm talking about... the things that happen, you don't believe it, and you turn around to see who is watching kinda things.  Well here are the top 2 of the week:

Tuesday:  It is 3:45PM, and I still haven't eaten lunch.  I look to see Arby's in front of me so I pull in.  I order a sandwich, Diet Dr. Pepper (one of my loves), and a lemonade (for W as I need to go pick him up from school).  I proceed to the window to pay.  The employee is about 20 years old and a male.  We exchange money, he hands me the sack, the lemonade, and lastly my Diet Dr. Pepper (so I think).  We are all done.  I am excited to finally eat.  He then takes the Diet Dr. Pepper back and says...
"Why do you drink this?"
Me:  Because I love it.
Him:  You know that is gonna kill you someday?
Me:  I laugh.
Him:  NO....I'm serious.  Don't laugh.  Don't you know?
Me:  Yes.  I am not making the best choice.
As he stares at me I begin to count the piercings.  He eyebrow, his nose, his chin and don't forget the huge holes in his ears.  You know, the kind that you can stick pencils through?  I don't even want to know what else has been marked.  Who is he to tell me of dangers to my body?
Him:  Do you know this will kill you?
Me:  YES.
Him:  Why do you drink it?
Me:  Can I just have my drink I paid for now?
Him:  You need to go online, and watch 20/20 or some show like that.  You are gonna get a heart attack real soon and that is going to be it.  All because you had to have this diet stuff.
Me:  I really appreciate all your information today.  It means so much to me that you care.  I would still like my drink.
I then proceeded to drive away.  I think if I would not have grabbed the drink out of his hand he would have poured it out!!!!  Yes, I looked ALL around me.  I still can't believe this happened.

Saturday:  W played soccer in the freezing drizzle in Broken Arrow.  We were done.  It was Chris' birthday the day before.  It has been a long time since he had been shopping and there were several things he needed so we were all 4 headed to the Mall.  A very rare occasion all 4 of us together shopping.  After parking at Macy's, we made a few quick purchases and were heading into Dillards.  C was dragging & whining.  I carried him for a few minutes then we had a talk.  In my heart of hearts I knew it wasn't a good idea to proceed and we should be leaving.  On the other hand, toughen up and lets get your dad some stuff.  We looked minimal minutes in mens clothing, had lots of jokes in the underwear department, and went to shoes.  W looked with dad.  I separated with C to sit at a little farther away to prevent brotherly love.  C would NOT sit down.  I talked with him at eye level.  Nope not gonna do it.  A salesman was on my back and witnessed all my approaches.  When I gave him the evil eye he scowled at me.  I thought please get off my back as I just needed a moment of privacy with my unruly child.  He loudly said, "Can I help you?"  I laughed and said, "Yes, do you want to babysit?"  He then started this bull crapt talk about choices to C.  He showed him all the chairs in the shoe department and told him about each choice he has.  He firmly said, "You make the choice."  There was a few minutes of silence.  Let's see how this works out for him.  At this point I am open to suggestions.  C touched a finger on a chair.  I said please get my husband the shoes.  Our time is limited here.  This was not a good idea and we need to make the best of this.  He then told C he still needed to make a choice.  C continued to touch the chair with his finger.  When the salesperson FINALLY went to get the shoes,  C was looking for his big brother to pick on and went that way.  I know I am the idiot all of Dillards is laughing at by now.  This has all gone on way too long.  I simply get C's hand, walk to the elevator, and bust his butt.  We had a talk and went back to sit like we were suppose to.  Chris finally makes up his mind on some shoes.  He takes the boys and I go to pay....ugh!  Please don't make me have time alone with the child expert!  So the salesperson proceeds to tell me that he teaches 2nd grade and I have one son that is well behaved and the other I need to work on.  He tells me of a book called, "Love and Logic."  He explained that if I would read that all my problems will go away.  I signed, took our shoes, and said Thank You so much for all your expert advice!  YES, I looked around to see who had the camera on.

Soooo just a couple of incidents for a week in the life of Becky Schiller.   It is what it is, and I can only do what I can do.   I am so glad it is Sunday.  I need a new week to begin!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Holey Cards

Today I ran down town to the Learning Ladder. I LOVE to go in here and pick up things for fun learning.  You know new & different ways to trick my kids that they are learning stuff.  My kids get excited to see new games & activities come home.  I thought we could use a few with Spring Break beginning.  I was so sad to hear they are closing the store in a few weeks and going to an online business only.  BUMMER!  Everything in the store was reduced so I began to look a little harder than expected.  I was almost done when I spotted a TREASURE!  HOLEY CARDS!!!

I am a big dork I know.  I use to get so excited for Holey Cards, Board Races & Around the World.  I loved all the Championships.  I remember it usually ending in a dual between K.J. & I.  In a BIG match it would be champions from each room who would end the battle for the title.  The excitement was intense and always thrilling until the end.

I was so excited to get the Holey Cards out of the sack and show Watson.  HOORAY...he loves them too!  In case you don't remember or were never blessed to have place a clean piece of paper in the card, start a timer and fill in your answers in the circle.  When done you can check your answers yourself as they are on the inside.  The goal is to get better time and of course as many as possible right.

Addition, Subtraction, Multiplicaion & Division Holey Cards stocked and ready for a race at the Schiller House!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dates With My Sons

While I was pregnant with Watson I watched more TV than normal. There was a talk show on that stressed the importance of daddy dates with your daughters. What a sweet time for dads to have with their girls. Most importantly it begins to show little girls at a young age how they are to be treated by boys. So it made me begin to think, "How do little boys train & learn how to treat girls?"

I feel very blessed to have a good husband role model in Chris who shows them by example how to treat me, but I wanted to show them as well. I then vowed to date my son. At age 3, I began to have dates with Watson. We would usually go at lunch at a not so busy time of the day just he and I. There are several things I wanted to make sure to teach: (1) open the door for ladies, (2) pull a ladies chair out for her, (3) sit down after your date, (4) turn all electronic devices off, (5) napkins in lap, (6) conversation etiquette, (7) and lastly the boy must pay!

(Picture of Cash opening the door for me)

Today was an unplanned date with Cash. I had the opportunity to be alone with him so I seized it! He is 4 and I think he really understood the whole date concept today. I have tried a couple of times the past year, and he wasn't quite ready. I think he most valued my 110% attention while at the table. I most valued his sweet smile and our discussion in his deep big boy voice.

Our "dates" have worked out just the way wanted with W. Twice in the past year when something has bothered him he has come to me and asked if we can have "a date." I later understood that this was his way of saying I need some momma time by myself. Both times he was worried about something and our date helped solve the problem. I hope & pray he continues to ask me for "dates" in his life.

I cherish my dates with each of my sons. I hope I am watering lil seeds that grow into good boys to date, and ultimately (sniff, sniff) the best husbands.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Annual Valentine's Day Tradition

Eight years ago when Watson was born, I started something that has turned into an annual tradition....Valentine's Pics with my boys. I believe traditions with your family, as well as special ones with your kids, are important. It is sometimes difficult to find unique clothes for boys. The girls definately hold the award for cutest & easiest clothes to find. My inspiration was the cute Valentines shirts the Gap had for boys. Some of the past we have had ones that say LoverBoy, Momma's Boy, Charmer, Handsome Devil, I enjoy long walks in the name a few.
This year it was somewhat of a problem as they had outgrown the sizes available. So I turned my old trusty.....friends at Etsy. Both boys had black long-sleeved shirts. Watson's had Romeo on the front (he loves pretty girls), and Cash had a heart with MOM inside (my lil momma's boy). I have always gone to the Picture People as it is fast & convenient to get the project done. They now have an option where you can buy all the photos on a disk with rights which I like best. This way I can do what I want to with the images. Don't think I didn't get a lot of flack from BOTH of them this year! Chalk up another one for 2011. I am gonna get these pictures with them as long as I can.

One thing I want you to ponder: When I was taking Watson's 6 month old pictures our photographer was REALLY wanting mom & dad in the photos. I wasn't really prepared for professional photos. Isn't it hard enough to get a baby/child to the appointment on time, fully dressed, clean, happy and clothes to change into? She set me straight on all that real quick. She explained that she lost someone dear to her with kids and although there were many wonderful pictures of the kids they had very little of their mom. They had almost nothing of mom with them. As their friend and photographer she couldn't believe that this problem existed. Therefore she had a new pledge to all her children to always make the parents get in the pics. That broke my heart to not leave a legacy of my joy with my boys in print. Thank You CR for your awesome words of wisdom....even though I may not like it and it is a lot more trouble.

Pictures are just as hard on the parents as they are on the kids. I feel like I have been beat to death when it is all over with. I always wonder, "Was it really worth it?" Days later as I look over the images and see the past I know the answer is, "YES!"

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Valentine's Day Crayon Craft

Valentine's Day Goodies

When we were snowed in, we took full advantage of getting our Valentines ready. I looked online for different projects to keep us busy. I gathered many crayon creation ideas and conglomerated them all together into my own. This is TRULY a project that your kids can do all by themselves. I helped by opening/closing the oven door and that is it!

Preheat your oven to 250. Submerge Crayons in hot water for about 5 min. Be sure to use regular crayons and not washable. You will notice that the wrappers will start to fall off easily. Take each crayon and break into small pieces and mix in large container.

Select a muffin tin. We had this rose shaped one. All those cute muffin tins will finally come in handy you have been storing! I think those flexible silicone muffin looking forms would be perfect as they may be easier to get out in the end. Spray with baking spray. The flour based spray for baking we found worked better than your regular cooking spray. Place your crayon pieces in each muffin tin. Make sure to not repeat a color twice and to try to put contrasting colors together. Put in oven for about 8 minutes until just melted. Remove from oven and let sit until hardened about 30 minutes. Stab backside with a fork and wiggle to loosen your crayon.

We packaged in clear plastic wrappers, tied with a bow and a Valentine's message. Cash LOVES to break crayons. So I was surprised when we began that he was not happy. I later found out that he likes broken ones and really didn't want to give them away. Once he saw our first finished product he began to fully participate & enjoy!