When W was four, thanks to our preschool education, he became really into seeds. He wanted to plant any seed he could find to see if it would grow. Some of the main things he planted were apple & pumpkin. It should also be mentioned that he would NOT eat anything with a seed on it (still won't) as he is very concerned about what will grow in his stomach and possibly out his ears! This means seeded buns, stawberries, oranges, etc.
My Grandma Frances really encouraged his seed planting. She liked to agg him on. I think she loved the idea of random things popping up in my manicured yard.
One day she was at the grocery store when the pumpkins arrived for fall. She kindly bought me one, and left it in my flower bed by the door we use on the side of our house. She thought it would be a FUN surprise to welcome fall into our yard. Little did we know...W had been seed planting. He was shocked and amazed when we pulled up to see that a pumpkin had grown in our yard! She called the next day to see if I liked my new pumpkin, and I told her of the impression it made on W. I, of course, continued to let him think that this was a pumpkin that grew from his planting. This absolutely thrilled her.
Every week new pumpkins would magically appear in our flower beds. For kicks even a sack of oranges was once there! He quit planting seeds yearly, but the pumpkins still grew. The seed planting evolved into The Pumpkin Fairy must have come to our house. This went on for 5 years until this year. Sadly our Pumpkin Fairy passed away December 2010. Even two months before she passed, ill with cancer, she insisted on one final flight to our yard.
This fall W said, "Remember when lots of pumpkins use to show up in our yard?" I was taken back, smiled, and had the pleasure of sharing the real story of our Pumpkin Fairy.
I just bawled reading this. so sweet.